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Text Formatting Rules of this Wiki

The editing syntax offered by this Wiki is a subset of the one provided by UseModWiki. More precisely, it is based on Jaime Villate's ParseWiki, which I have modified for UTF-8, stripped down to handle only HTML and XHTML, extended to support more UseMod markup and tweaked to add a couple of useful non-standard features. Please refer to ParseWiki's manual for a rather exhaustive description of ParseWiki's HTML-related text formatting rules. The locally-modified version of ParseWiki in use at this Web site, has the following additional/custom features:

Improved UseMod Wiki compatibility

  • Added support for HTML tags <small>, <sub> and <sup>.
  • The <nowiki> and </nowiki> markups are supported.
  • use four dashes ---- to insert a thin horizontal separator line.
  • Basic tables are supported, limited to this syntax, but I have not yet tested it much. Tables are rendered with a fairly fixed style, and the only way to have more control over them is through a suitable CSS.
  • use six or more dashes ------ to insert a thick horizontal separator line.

Thin and thick here mean whatever is defined in the local CSS for the tw-thinline and tw-thickline classes respectively. If no such classes are defined, then the two kinds of horizontal lines will look exactly the same.

Local (possibly non standard) features

URLs can be made to open in a new browser window if an underscore (_) is prepended to them, like in _ and _[]. The undescore must immediately precede the URL, with no intervening spaces. If the URL is inside square brackets, the underscore must immediately precede the opening bracket.

Internal links must be represented with [[<url>|<optional description>]], where "url" can only be a local Wiki page name, such as [[Site.SandBox|Our SandBox Page]], which will render as Our SandBox Page.

Both internal and external bracketed (i.e free) links, take an optional description that will be displayed instead of the literal link value. The description must be separated from the link address by a vertical bar | with no leading spaces. The optional descriptive text can be a URL to an image, like [|], and the link will render like this:

If you want a URL to be opened inside an IFRAME you must prepend the URL with a dot "." followed by the width and height values you want your IFRAME to take, like this:


which says that the specified URL must appear in the page inside an IFRAME 600 points wide and 500 points tall and the result will be like this:

If the IFRAME size values are omitted, then the resulting IFRAME will have scroll-bars, otherwise it will not. That is, specifying simply .[] (note the leading dot) will render as:

If we want to both specify the IFRAME dimensions AND have the scrollbars enabled then the size parameters must be separated by an hyphen rather than a comma, that is:


Since square brackets are used in URLs as described, IPv6 numeric URLs in the form of http://[2001:1:2:3::4] and the like are currently not supported and they will likely not be until eventually the UseMod syntax is extended to support them, if ever.

The parser supports <html> ... </html> markup, to allow for input of raw HTML snippets, but I have left this feature disabled until I find a sure way to prevent the injection of malicious JavaScript code. In fact I think I have found how to do that, but I want to run more tests first.

Another supported tag is <del> ... </del> to produce striked text.

Content-alignment block tags are <center> ... </center>, <left> ... </left> and <right> ... </right>. While <center> translates directly into the corresponding HTML tag, <left> and <right> rely on whatever is defined in the local CSS classes tw-wikileft and tw-wikiright respectively.

I'm still working at the modified parser, so if you encounter any (likely) bugs please let me know. You may also ask for more features, but since it already does the bare minimum that I need, I may not be very responsive with that.

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